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Ready, Set, Learn & Connect

This year’s Ready, Set, Learn, Connect is for children who are three and four years old and are not registered to attend Kindergarten in September 2025. 

Ready, Set, Learn, Connect is a program designed to provide children and families with an opportunity to participate in a series of play-based learning activities. This early learning program is part of an initiative sponsored by the Ministry of Education. 

Children who are three and four years old are invited with their parents to participate in this year’s Ready, Set, Learn, Connect. 

Parents/caregivers will receive helpful tips to support their child’s learning and development, as well as information about the early learning programs offered by the school district and the community resources available to families. 

You are Invited! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2025 9:00 am – 10:00 am In the Gym KATZIE ELEMENTARY, 6887-194A Street, 吃瓜大本营, BC, V4N 1N2

REGISTER: Please email Katzie Elementary at katzie@surreyschools.ca by March 31 with the following information:

Child’s Name 
Date of Birth 
Parents’ Name 
Contact #

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