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My Education BC Portal (Click 'Read More' for password reset)

MyEdBC is the information system used by the Ministry of Education in 吃瓜大本营 School District, and in most school districts in the province. It is used to collect and store information relevant to the delivery of education programs for students. The MyEdBC Family/Student Portal is another way in which students and their parents/guardians can access information about their educational programs, view report cards and grades from assignments, and view student attendance, among other things. 

You can log on to MyEdBC Family Portal from any computer that connects to the internet. 

If you are unable to login, please click the appropriate link below and complete the associated form. 

  • Parents: click
  • Students: click

See the photo below for a brief how-to handout to get you started. More in-depth instructions are also located below.

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