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Clubs The clubs are listed below. You will find a general description of the club, meeting times and location.











Aesthetic Architects



To make Frank Hurt a warmer, more inviting space for all students. Members will attend meetings to brainstorm what to do for different areas of the school. Students will then work on different sections of the school during designated times. In addition, students will work on creating organized spaces or designated areas around the school to display information on bulletin boards.



Tuesday at lunch


Room 207


Ms. Nieuwenhuis


Anti-Oppression Collective


A collective of students working to talk, listen, educate, + act on social injustices/ all forms of discrimination/ oppression. Members of the AOC want to (un)learn oppressive beliefs and values, share + understand our experiences, + make concrete changes (individually and systemically) specifically at our school. 



Tuesday at Lunch


Room 206


Ms. Scheuer


Art Club



Art Club aims to create space and access for creative students to meet and make art. Materials are available for members to make art in a variety of mediums outside of the structure of art courses, providing the freedom throughout the year to explore personal ideas, access art materials, and socialize and get support from fellow creatives. Drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and digital creators are welcome! 





Wednesday at lunch


Room 503



Ms. Bellmond




Arts & Crafts Club



The arts & crafts club is intended to allow participants to build relationships, make connections, and share artistic qualities and abilities. Activities include drawing, painting, sketching, creating seasonals crafts, and sharing cultural art activities. Craft supplies will be available for members to use. Embroidery thread, paint and canvas, beads, and traditional Indigenous crafting. No experience necessary. Open to all students from grades 8-12. 



Monday after school 3:00-4:00pm


Room 107




Leanne Macdonald


Black Student Union (BSU)  




The Black Student Union (BSU) is a collective of students who identify as Black/have African descent. This is a space for Black students who want to create community, collaborate with each other and other social justice-based collectives, share and learn, work to centre Black experiences and achievements, and challenge anti-Black racism at our school. The entire diversity of Black/African identities are welcome. This collective was formally known as the Beyond Black History Month Collective (BBHMC).



Wednesday at Lunch


Room 206


Ms. Scheuer


Chess Club



Along with building the school community, we aim to help students improve concentration, memory, attention span, improve problem solving skills, logical and critical thinking, and see the rewards of the hard work for mental health and academic problems. 



Thursday at lunch


Room 108


Ms. Kaur


Computer Coding Club



Computer Coding Club members will learn how to write code with Python, compare it to other languages, and master multiple programming languages.



Wednesday, and Friday at lunch


Room 308


Mr. Ilunga


Crafting Social Club


The Crafting Social Club is a place for students to have their lunch, meet new people, socialize, and create a craft. Examples of crafts may include hand sewing, origami, and crocheting.



Wednesday at lunch


Room 203


Ms. Liana Li


Cubing Club



The members of the cubing club will have fun solving cubes together while building community of like-interested people! All abilities & interests welcome, beginners or speed solvers! Solve twisty-puzzles & cubes! ("Rubiks" cubes, 3x3s, and other fun shapes!)



Thursday at lunch


Room 213


Ms. Beyer


Debate Club


In the Debate Club we will discuss ideas, ways of thinking, debate strategies and have different styles of debate.   We are looking for students who like to discuss ideas and their opinions.



Wednesday at lunch


Room 307



Mr. Southwell


Drag Racing Team



Drag racing is a motor sport where students learn about high performance automobiles. Members will learn about high performance automobile technology and driving skills while competing at High School Drag Racing events.



Tuesday & Thursday after school


Auto shop



Mr. Grewal and Mr. Klose



Dungeons & Dragons Club



Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a popular tabletop roleplaying game. Learn to play the game and have some opportunities to try it out on a drop-in basis. All are welcome. (It is a great opportunity for students to practice basic numeracy skills, develop organic social and emotional learning, expand their creative and critical thinking skills, and develop their organization/executive functioning.) Two types of weekly activities on alternating weeks: Week 1 will be opportunities to learn the system, develop characters, ask questions, etc. Week 2 will be opportunities to take their characters on adventures guided by the teacher.



Friday after school


Room 211


Mr. Ackermann


Empowering Hornets



We are a group of grade 8-12 students who plan and take part in activities for our own self-care as well as the school community and community at large.



Friday at lunch


Room 209


Ms. Loc



Energy Ambassadors




We are energy ambassadors. We take care of the community garden. We turn off the lights and computers. We want to save a little energy for our planet, think sustainability.



Tuesday at lunch


Room 310


Mr. Koutsonikas and Mr. Southwell


Frank Hurt Jiu Jitsu


We train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which is a grappling-based sport. Students are taught fundamental principles and movements, and then go on to learn more advanced techniques. Classes consist of warm-up, technique, drills, and live sparring/rolling. Members are required to sign and return waiver forms and are expected to have a change of clothes.



Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7:00 – 8:05am


Small Gym


Mr. Leung and Ms. Froberg


Frank Hurt Math Academy



This club includes CEMC Contest preparation and Math Ninjas Homework Club, dedicated to helping students excel in the Canadian Mathematical Competitions (CEMC) and supporting math homework after school. We aim to foster a community of math enthusiasts, offering preparation, mentorship, and collaborative learning to empower students by students in their mathematical journey. Membership in the Club is open to 12 Math Ninjas plus all students interested in math, with expectations of active participation, collaborative learning, and a commitment to academic growth.



All times are after school:


Monday: room 606


Tuesday: room 101


Wednesday: room 108


Thursday: room 605



Mr. Bal & Ms. Kaur


Go Cricket Club 




The Go Cricket Club promotes the love of cricket among enthusiasts of all skill levels, fostering teamwork and helping us make the strongest possible cricket team for the season. The Go Cricket Club welcomes cricket enthusiasts of all skill levels, providing opportunities for skill development, friendly matches, and camaraderie. The Go Cricket Club offers members diverse activities, including friendly matches, skill development sessions, and participation in interclub competitions. Additionally, the club engages in community outreach, hosts social events to promote Cricket at school, and conducts fundraising activities within the school and the wider community.



First Thursday of every month


Room 108


Ms. Kaur, Vivek Nagpaul, Shahid Bashir


Guitar Club



The guitar club provides a space for students to practice, play, and share music amongst one another. All skill levels are welcome to join, and if you don’t want to play guitar, singers are more than welcome as well.



Thursday at lunch


Room 604


Mr. Knight


Layan Kutieleh



Heritage Club



A space for students to learn and embrace South Asian art and culture, form friendships, attain leadership experience, and get volunteer opportunities



Friday at lunch


Room 603


Ms. Sidhu


Hornets Give Back



The purpose of Hornets Give Back is to provide a source of essentials for students in need. Our goal is to reciprocate the generosity and amiability the Frank Hurt community has shown us. 



Tuesday at lunch


Room 100


Ms. Mann, Ms. Johal


Harleen Dhaliwal


Hornet’s Nest Crochet



The purpose of the Crochet club is to learn a new skill or to enhance existing crochet skills. Members simply need to show up show up, be creative, get inspired and have fun!



Thursday 3:00-4:30pm


Room 202



Ms. El-Nashar


Math Ninjas



Math Ninjas is a club that provides students with math help after school using our amazing student volunteers. Members are outstanding math students that are patient, helpful and responsible. All students are able to come for help.



All times are after school:


Monday: room 606


Tuesday: room 101


Wednesday: room 108


Thursday: room 605



Mr. Bal (Math Ninjas), Ms. Kaur


Morning Ball


Morning ball is a place where you can work on your basketball skills while also getting in some early morning competition. All grades are welcome. It is recommended you bring your own basketball, but one will be provided for you if needed.



Wednesday & Friday 6:00 – 8:00am


Large gym


Mr. Koutsonikas, Steve Lee


Music Council



To fundraise for the music program, organize activities for the students in the program, and to develop leadership and teamwork. Members will apply to be a part of the music council.



Council will decide on day and time to meet


Band room


Ms. Antrobus


Philosophy Club



We gather weekly over cups of hot chocolate or tea to explore the depths of ethics and nurture our philosophical curiosity. We engage in lively discussions, exchange ideas, and sharpen our intellectual prowess in a welcoming and cozy atmosphere.




Wednesday at lunch


Room 310



Mr. Koutsonikas


QSA @ Frank Hurt 


A safe place for LGBTQIA+ students and allies, to watch queer-themed shows/movies, plan Pride events and discuss important queer issues.



Thursday at lunch


Room 311


Mr. Cupino and Ms. Bellmond


Robotics & Coding



The purpose of the robotics club is for students to learn how to code and write commands for robots through play. 



Thursday after school


Room 408


Ms. Bagri





To explore math and science topics in more depth! Students can consult with teachers on topics of personal interest, and teachers will support students in their attempts to learn more about these topics.



Monday at lunch


Rooms 108, 208, Science labs


Ms. Kaur, Ms. Sidhu & Mr. Ackermann


Student Council 



Student-run organization that plans events throughout the school year, including dances, spirit weeks, and talent show. 



Monday at Lunch




Mr. Cupino and Ms. Parnell



The Good Guys



The Good Guys is an organization that works to combat homelessness and food insecurity by raising money for food and care packages. They do this by having consistent fundraisers and events to raise some money. The Good Guys is an organization with members that genuinely want to make a change and contribute to the issues surrounding homelessness. Fundraisers or events will be held once a month at Frank Hurt. Proceeds will go towards care packages. Once a month, the club presidents will meet with the club presidents from other schools, to participate in events such as distributing packages, creating them, and fundraising.



Tuesday at lunch


Room 208


Clair England


Volleyball Club



The Volleyball Club is for all volleyball athletes, players, and enthusiasts. There is a mandatory sign-in the day before to create teams.



Starts in semester 2, every Thursday with a tournament over two days the last week of school


Large and small gym



Mr. Barrun and Ms. Loc


Amara Khan and Kavleen Hundal


Zine Club


Zine Club Members learn about various methods of making zines, as well as history and contemporary uses for zines in print and online. Members can work on independent zines or contribute to group zines based on themes decided by the group. Members help fold, staple, bind, and share the finished zines after printing. Individual members can volunteer to lead the design of small-group, community, or individual zines about a topic of their choice. Zine Club leader (Ms. Bellmond) supports the organization, printing, and providing supplies for the creation of zines.



Wednesday after school


Room 503


3:00 – 4:00pm


Ms. Bellmond










Before School

Frank Hurt Jiu Jitsu 

Small Gym

7:00-8:05 amP


Frank Hurt Jiu Jitsu 

Small Gym

7:00-8:05 am


Morning Ball

Large Gym

6:00-8:00 am


Frank Hurt Jiu Jitsu 

Small Gym

7:00-8:05 am


Morning Ball 

Large Gym

6:00-8:00 am


Psych Explorers Club

Room 101


Room 108, 211, Science Labs


Student Council

Room 311


Aesthetic Architects

Room 207


Anti-Oppression Collective

Room 206


Energy Ambassadors

Room 310

Future Canada

Room 309

Hornets Give Back

Room 100

Investigative Journalism Club

Room 300

The Good Guys

Room 208





Art Club

Room 503


Black Student Union

Room 206


Computer Coding Club

Room 308


Crafting Social Club

Room 203


Debate Club

Room 307

Frank Hurt Cancer Association

Room 212

Philosophy Club

Room 310


Chess Club

Room 108


Cubing Club

Room 213


Go Cricket Club

1st Thursday of the month 

Room 108


QSA @ Frank Hurt

Room 311


Guitar Club

Room 604


Empowering Hornets 

Room 105


Computer Coding Club

Room 308


Heritage Club

Room 603

After School

Frank Hurt Math Academy/ Math Ninjas

Room 606

Drag Racing Team

Auto shop


Frank Hurt Math Academy/ Math Ninjas

Room 101

Frank Hurt Math Academy/ Math Ninjas

Room 108


Zine Club

Room 503

3:00-4:00 pm


Drag Racing Team

Auto Shop

Frank Hurt Math Academy/ Math Ninjas

Room 605

Hornet's Nest Crochet

Room 202

Robotics and Coding

Room 408

Dungeons & Dragons Club

Room 211 


Rise Above Reality Expectation (RARE)

Community Building 






Vollyball Club: Starts in semester 2, every Thursday with a tournament over two days the week last week of school – Large and Small Gyms



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