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PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)



Parent Advisory Council plays a vital role in making our school vibrant and dynamic. The PAC undertakes numerous activities that support school goals, classroom activities and facilitate outings that help students understand and learn their surrounding community. 

During the School Year, our PAC organizes the following events and activities:

Provide feedback for our School Plan, Monthly Hot Lunches, Providing Lunch to the whole school for Eid, Diwali and Vaisakhi, Money for Field Trips, Community Event (Akhand Path) to raise money for Social Responsibility Goal and Technology, Book Fairs and providing drivers for student outings and volunteer time for activities in the classrooms.

Every parent whose child attends Strawberry Hill Elementary is a member of our PACM.  Meetings are held monthly that the school, while the school is in session. We invite all of our parents to join the school PAC and provide their feedback and time in making our school more dynamic and vibrant.

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