Procedure 5206.1 - Occupational Health and Safety
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation applies to all employers, workers (employees) and all other persons working in or contributing to the production of any industry within the scope of Part 3 of the Workers Compensation Act. (section 2.1) Despite the absence of a specific requirement, all work must be carried out without undue risk of injury or occupational disease to any person. (section 2.2) |
1. | DEFINITIONS1.1. | Manager The word “Manager” is used in this regulation to mean principal, and the senior staff and directors who are part of the management group of 吃瓜大本营 School District No. 36 (吃瓜大本营). | 1.2. | Supervisor Means a person (principal {sometimes responsible for both the manager and supervisor functions}, vice principal, manager, supervisor, foreman, head caretaker, head secretary, etc.) who instructs, directs and controls employees in the performance of their duties. | 1.3. | Impaired/Impairment The word “impaired” (or impairment) is used in this regulation to mean a person’s ability to work is affected by any substance such as alcohol, cannabis, a drug or other substance so as to endanger the person or anyone else, or create an undue risk to any person. |
2. | RESPONSIBILITIES2.1. | General Duties of Managers Every Manager has the responsibility to:a) | Provide a safe, healthy and secure working environment for all employees at the worksite. | b) | Have first aid facilities and attendants as appropriate. | c) | Ensure compliance with the Workers Compensation Act and WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. | d) | Ensure employees are made aware of any health or safety hazards that could affect them. | e) | Not assign employees to activities where a reported or observed impairment may create an undue risk to the employee or anyone else. | f) | Not knowingly permit a person to remain at any workplace while the person’s ability to work is affected by alcohol, a drug or any other substance so as to endanger the person or anyone else. | g) | Work with employees who report potential impairment from any source to ensure that the reported or observed impairment is effectively managed. | h) | Provide employees with the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety of those employees in carrying out their work, and to ensure the health and safety of other employees at the workplace. | i) | Establish Health and Safety programs and procedures for all employees at the worksite. |
| 2.2. | General Duties of Supervisors Every supervisor is responsible to:a) | Ensure the health and safety of all employees under the direct supervision of the supervisor. | b) | Correct and report unsafe work practices, including potential impairment. | c) | Be aware of all known or reasonable foreseeable health or safety hazards in the area where they work. | d) | Consult and cooperate with the Site-Based Committee or Worker Health and Safety representative for the workplace. Cooperate with WorkSafeBC Officers as they carry out a duty under the WC Act and / or OH&S Regulation. |
| 2.3. | General Duties of Employees Every employee is responsible to:a) | Take reasonable care to protect the employee’s health and safety and the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by the employee’s acts or omissions at work. | b) | Not enter or remain at any workplace while their ability to work is affected by alcohol, a drug or other substance so as to endanger the person or anyone else. | c) | Disclose any potential impairment from any source, to allow for adequate supervision of work to ensure reported or observed impairment is effectively managed. | d) | Perform their duties in a manner that will not cause injury to themselves or endanger fellow employees, students and/or the general public. | e) | Report all unsafe acts and conditions that they observe. | f) | Wear approved personal protective equipment where required. | g) | Report all work-related injuries to their supervisor. | h) | Promptly notify their supervisor when equipment needs repair or replacement. | i) | Comply with the Act and Regulations. |
3. | HEALTH & SAFETY PROGRAMThe Executive Director for Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that OH&S is an integral part of the district planning process and that the OH&S Program is developed and implemented in accordance with regulatory and corporate standards. This includes ensuring: a) | Managers, supervisors and employees are trained in work procedures and responsibilities. | b) | Safety programs are developed, implemented and monitored. | c) | Annual reviews are carried out on the effectiveness of safety programs and corrective measures taken as necessary. | d) | Reports of unsafe conditions or activities are investigated and corrections made without delay. | e) | Regular department meetings include discussion on health and safety items. | f) | Written work procedures and instructions are developed and implemented for critical tasks. | g) | Employees know the process to report hazardous situations or work procedures. | h) | Employees are aware of the incident reporting process. | i) | All incidents as described below are reported to the Health and Safety Department within two days of the incident occurring:- Major structural failure or collapse of a building or temporary construction support system or evacuation (regardless of when it occurred)
- Major release of hazardous substance.
- Incident requiring medical aid or time loss from work.
- Serious injury or death of an employee (regardless of cause)
4. | JOINT SITE-BASED HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEES4.1. | Committee Structure Health and Safety Committees will be established and maintained in each School District facility in accordance with the Workers Compensation Act and the OH&S Regulations. | 4.2. | Minutes of Meetings Minutes must be kept for a minimum of two years. Minutes of three meetings must be posted at the site level of the Health & Safety Board. A copy of the minutes must be provided to the Health & Safety Department. | 4.3. | Quorum Site-Based Committees will establish rules for a quorum in their “Terms of Reference”. | 4.4. | Meeting Agenda Site-Based Committees will establish rules for establishing the committee agenda in their “Terms of Reference”. | 4.5. | Inspections Inspections will be conducted in accordance with the Work Procedures for “Inspections”. | 4.6. | Committee Recommendations Site-Based Committee recommendations will be communicated to the sitebased supervisor. Employer response will be in accordance with Section 133 of the Act. |
5. | DISTRICT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEEThe District Health & Safety Committee is a contractual committee in accordance with the CUPE and STA Collective Agreements.
| The District Health & Safety Committee is not required by WorkSafeBC.
| While the Site-Based Health & Safety Committees are the committees with the responsibility under the WCB Act and OH&S Regulations, it is recognized that the District Committee can fulfill an important role too. Specifically, this role could be from a broader perspective and making recommendations to the employer.
Revised: | 2018-12-17 2016-06-03 2011-05-19 1997-08-28 1988/10 1988/01 |
Approved: | 1983/06 |