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Policy 10805 - Promotion of External Agencies Through Schools

The purpose of this policy is to provide direction regarding the dissemination, through schools or district offices, of material promoting external agencies and/or their activities to parents, staff or PACs. “External agencies” in this context include individuals and private or public organizations, both incorporated and unincorporated (profit or not-for- profit).
External agency materials will be divided into two categories:
1. Those materials of direct educational or student/parent/staff benefit, that are critical to the operation of schools, school and student safety, or which relate directly to programs being implemented by district departments or schools which the district finds value in. These materials may be approved by the superintendent, assistant superintendents, secretary-treasurer, assistant secretary-treasurer, or directors of instruction, for district-wide distributions and by the site principal for school-based distributions only. These distributions and will not necessarily involve a charge.
2. Those materials directed at parents or staff which involve a less explicit educational or operational benefit or which involve promotion or advertising of a product or service. These materials will be distributed only for a fee. Requests for distribution of these types of materials must be directed to the Business Development Department which will coordinate review and vetting and arrange appropriate means of distribution. The secretary-treasurer will have final approval of materials distributed to parents and staff.
Distribution will be subject to courier regulations and practices.
Materials of a political or partisan, violent or otherwise inappropriate nature will not be permitted.
Materials to be shared with district staff or schools and that relate to curriculum or professional training, will be vetted through the appropriate department by the Business Development Department.
Partnerships or sponsorships approved under Board Policy #10815 - Business Development, will be subject to the terms of the approved agreement for the promotion or distribution of materials or information.
Any costs incurred by the school district or individual schools in the circulation of approved promotional material, are to be borne by the external agency concerned.

XRef:Policy #10800
Policy #10815

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