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Intensive French (6-7) & Enhanced French (8-12)


Intensive French (Grade 6-7)

Intensive French (IF) is a literacy-based second language program in which French is taught intensively for the first five months of Grade 6, with a continuation of one hour of French per day in the second five months, as well as throughout Grade 7. There is a follow up Enhanced French class available at the secondary level. These are neighbourhood programs, giving priority enrolment to students living in the catchment of the schools offering the program. Out of catchment enrolment may be considered if space is available.

Elementary Intensive French Locations:

GuildfordSouth 吃瓜大本营/White Rock
Coast Meridian Elementary
8222 – 168A Street
Phone: 604-574-6036
Email: coastmeridian@surreyschools.ca

Erma Stephenson Elementary
10929 – 160 Street
Phone: 604-583-5419
Email: ermastephenson@surreyschools.ca

Fraser Wood Elementary
10650 – 164 Street
Phone: 604-589-6442
Email: fraserwood@surreyschools.ca

Frost Road Elementary
8606 – 162 Street
Phone: 604-572-4050

Ocean Cliff Elementary
12550 – 20 Avenue
Phone: 604-538-1770    
Email: oceancliff@surreyschools.ca

For more information on French Immersion programs, please contact the elementary school you are interested in.

Enhanced French (Grade 8-12)

There is a follow-up to Intensive French called "Enhanced French" at three secondary schools where students continue to study French at a higher level.

Enhanced French Locations:

GuildfordSouth 吃瓜大本营/White Rock
Fraser Heights Secondary
16060 – 108 Avenue
Phone: 604-582-9231
Email: fraserheights@surreyschools.ca

North 吃瓜大本营 Secondary
15945 – 96 Avenue

Phone: 604-581-4433
Email: northsurrey@surreyschools.ca
Elgin Park Secondary
13484 – 24 Avenue
Phone: 604-538-6678
Email: elginpark@surreyschools.ca

For more information on French Immersion programs, please contact the secondary school you are interested in.

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