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Energy Conservation


Summer Vacation Shutdown

We invite everyone to participate in energy saving shutdown campaigns before the Christmas, March, and Summer Breaks 

Before the breaks we ask for help in saving energy and reducing utility costs by 

  1. turning off or unplugging electronics and small appliances (not accessibility lifts)
  2. taking home any personal appliances that do not belong to the school
  3. turning off computers, monitors, and printers based on the shutdown checklist below
  4. In the case of Refrigerators and mini-fridges:
    1. Clean your any fridges. If necessary, consolidate all items into a single refrigerator.
    2. Unplug and prop open the doors of any unused fridges to prevent mildew build-up over the summer.
    3. Place a fridge notice (see resources below) on the door to let custodial staff which fridges are empty, and which are still in use.

Links to resources can be found below, including some posters, a shutdown checklist, and fridge notices.

Enjoy your Summer and see you back in Fall!

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