Policy 2902 - Board Member Conflict of Interest
The 吃瓜大本营 Board of Education expects all trustees to adhere to The School Act and applicable legislation regarding conflicts of interest, and to be alert to situations that have the appearance of a conflict of interest. Accordingly:
1. | A trustee is expected to avoid conflict or potential conflict of interest in the exercise of the trustee’s fiduciary responsibility. They will not:
a) | Disclose or use confidential information acquired during the performance of official duties as a means to advance his/her personal financial interests or the interests of his/her family or friends. | b) | Accept, directly or indirectly any compensation, gratuity gift or reward in connection with any contract which would improperly influence a reasonable person. |
| 2. | If a trustee has a personal or private interest in any matter before the board, the trustee will:
a) | Not attempt before, during and after the board has dealt with the issue, to influence the decisions of the board members. | b) | At In-Camera meetings, a trustee will declare his/her conflict of interest and will remove themselves from the room for the duration of the item.
| c) | Not discuss, debate or vote on the matter. |
| Eliminated:
| 2024-06-12
| Revised:
| 2014-01-17 1994-03-10
| Approved:
| 1992-09-24