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Procedure 9325.1 - Registration of International Students



The annual 吃瓜大本营 Board of Education tuition fee for international students granted educational status is established on an annual basis.
In the event that a student applicant does not come to 吃瓜大本营 or decides to leave the district for personal reasons, a request for refund must be made in writing. A portion of the tuition fee will be refunded as follows:
a)Full refund less $500 administrative fee, if the study permit is not approved by (letter of rejection from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada must be provided).
b)Two-thirds (2/3) of tuition fee, if student withdraws prior to the commencement of the program.
c)One-half (1/2) of the tuition fee, if the student withdraws any time between commencement and the end of the first calendar month of the program.
d)No refund of the tuition fee if the student withdraws after the first calendar month of the program or is found to be in violation of the law, policy or regulation as determined by the Government of Canada, police or 吃瓜大本营 School District (e.g. chronic absenteeism, drinking alcohol, drug involvement, etc.).
e)Students who become permanent residents after tuition fees are paid but before September 30th will receive a full refund less $500 administrative fee.
Short term educational programs may be offered when available resources so permit, and provided fees are set at a level which will generate significant net revenue for the school district.
In respect of short term programs, a non-refundable deposit of $500 or 10% of the total program cost, whichever is greater will be required. This non- refundable deposit will be obtained at the time the program commitment is made, with the full balance payable not less than two (2) weeks prior to program commencement.



The following international students receive provincial education funding and, therefore, are exempt from district tuition fees:
A Student who:
a)Is a refugee claimant with an acknowledgement letter from the Immigration and Refugee Board.
b)Is a Convention Refugee and can present a letter of permission or permit issued by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada confirming this.
c)Has been admitted to Canada under a letter of permission or permit issued by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
d)Is in the custody of the Ministry for Children and Family Development; or
e)Is attending school on a reciprocal and equal exchange. This exchange must be one in/one out of the same district for the same length of time, with the exchange completed within two years.
A student whose parent/guardian(s):
a)Has been admitted to Canada for permanent residence (i.e. landed immigrant) or has applied for permanent residence from within Canada and can substantiate this with documentation from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
b)Has been admitted for temporary residence in Canada for a term of one year or more and holds a work permit from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada and is employed a minimum of 20 hours per week.
c)Has been admitted for temporary residence in Canada for a term of one year or more, holds a study permit and is attending a degree granting educational program or a diploma-granting program at a public post-secondary institution.
d)Has been admitted under a teacher exchange program.
e)Is carrying out official duties as a diplomatic or consular official and is able to substantiate this with a Foreign Representative Acceptance Counterfoil in the guardian’s passport; or
f)Is a person who is a resident of the province on a cyclical (continuing part-time) basis, as determined through consultation with the Ministry of Education and with Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Students whose parents or custodians satisfy, through an administrative review, the deputy superintendent and Director, Continuous Learning, that there are special circumstances which warrant a tuition free education.



The school district will actively solicit international student registrations. The funds for expenses will be realized from the fees collected for these students.
Only those agents with prior written agreements with the school district may be paid a commission.
Upon discretion of the superintendent or designate, agents may be granted permission to propose registration of international students in the school district. A one-time commission of 10%-15% of the tuition fee per each full year equivalent student registration will be paid and the successful for registration caused by the agent. Commissions will be paid to an agent from funds actually received, after 30 days of commencement of the educational program. Registrations that are refunded regardless of reason, will not be commissionable or in any way will it count towards earning of commissions.
Agent ineligibility – no individual employed by the school district in a position outside of a bargaining unit, or employed in a bargaining unit position having any connection with administration of the International Student Program, is eligible to be an agent, or to receive commission. This applies equally to firms, syndicates and corporations in which such individuals have any legal or beneficial interest.



In instances where an international student requires some form of specialized service other than ELL support, an assessment will be conducted, a learning plan developed and additional fees for service will be assessed and must be paid in full before commencement of the program.
In instances where an international student participates in a district program where additional costs are associated to cover supplies, examinations, etc. (e.g. International Baccalaureate) additional fees for service will be assessed and must be paid in full before commencement of the educational program.



Parents of all fee paying international students will provide a statement specifically identifying who is to assume the role of custodian while their son/daughter is studying in the school district.
Custodians identified by parents will provide a statement stating they will accept and fully discharge the required responsibilities throughout the course of the student’s studies in the school district.
Parents or custodians will also provide contact names and addresses for medical emergencies.
The School District Standard Student Information Form and (if applicable) Medical Alert Information and Care Plan Forms shall be provided and utilized in all cases.
Homestay facilities shall not be inspected, arranged or in any way sanctioned or endorsed by the school district or school district staff.


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