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Procedure 8800.2 - Learning Resources: Challenge



A challenge to a print or digital learning resource refers to a formal complaint the school or school district has received about the appropriateness of a learning resource from a student, district employee, or parent/caregiver. (Please refer to Procedure 8800.1 for definitions of a learning resource.)



2.1. District staff, students, or parents of currently enrolled and attending students may challenge learning resources, subject to district criteria outlined in Procedure 8800.1
2.2. The purpose of the challenge process is to consider the resource in question on the basis of compliance with the district’s criteria for selecting and evaluating learning resources as outlined in Procedure 8800.1.
2.3. Challenged resources will be considered in their entirety, not on sections or portions of the learning resource.
2.4. The primary criteria for the final decision is the appropriateness of the resource for its intended educational use and the degree to which the resource meets district evaluation criteria outlined in Procedure 8800.1.
2.5. Access to challenged resources shall not be restricted during the reconsideration process.
2.6. The resource in question will not be removed from the district recommended list unless the formal district challenge process is complete and the resource is deemed inappropriate by the District Challenge Learning Resource Committee.
2.7. Once a formal challenge has been addressed and resolved at the district level, the decision shall be considered final, and the learning resource shall not be subject to further challenge or review.



3.1. Step 1:    School Level
a) All concerns regarding the appropriateness of a classroom learning resource (see Procedure 8800.1, 1.2 a – d) or Library Learning Commons resource (see Procedure 8800.1, 1.3 a-b and 4.4 a-b) must be brought to the attention of the school principal or vice-principal.
b)The principal or vice principal and the classroom teacher/teacher librarian meet with the challenger for the purpose of coming to a resolution. Discussion of the appropriateness of the material will be based on an examination of the criteria used to evaluate the resource (see Procedure 8800.1).
c)If the matter is not resolved at the school level, the challenger may wish to proceed with a formal challenge at the district level and request the resource be reviewed by completing the form  (Appendix I). 
Note: Learning Resources Not Subject to the District Review Process
1. As classroom resources on the district’s recommended list of learning resources are selected by groups of educators on the basis of compliance with the district’s evaluation criteria, learning resources for classroom use will not be reconsidered for review if the resource has undergone a formal, district evaluation since implementation of BC’s redesigned curriculum.
2. Supplementary resources for classroom use that are not on the district’s list of recommended learning resources (e.g., “curriculum support” library books (see Procedure 8800.1 , 4.4 a) , movies, music, online audio or video files, websites, news reports, magazine articles, picture books, blogs, etc.) will not undergo a formal challenge or review at the district-level; the responsibility for reviewing and determining the suitability of supplementary learning resources will be delegated to the school level (See above Procedure 8800.2, 3.1 a – b). 
3.2. Step 2:    District Level
a) Upon receipt of the district form, , the Director of Instruction will contact the challenger to acknowledge receipt of the document and invite the challenger to attend a meeting of the District Learning Resource Challenge Committee
b) The Director of Instruction convenes the District Learning Resources Review Committee.  The committee is composed of:
i. Learning Resource Review Coordinator
ii. Helping Teacher(s) from the area of learning concerned
iii. 吃瓜大本营 Principal/Vice-Principal Association (SPVPA) Representative
c) The review committee assesses the challenged resource in accordance with established district criteria (see Procedure 8800.1, 3.1 – 3.7 and 4.6 – 4.7).
d) The review committee shall strive for a consensus decision. Should a vote become necessary, all committee representatives are voting members.  The decision put forward will be determined by a majority vote.
e)At the conclusion of the review process, the director advises the superintendent and subsequently informs the challenger of the results of the committee’s deliberations.
f)This concludes and finalizes the challenge process for the classroom and/or library learning commons learning resource in question. The learning resource shall not be subject to further challenges or reviews.



4.1. Procedure #8800.1 - Learning Resources for Classroom Use and Library Commons Resources: Definition and Selection.
4.5. Policy #8800 - Learning Resources.



5.1. Superintendent of Schools
5.2. Director of Instruction, Education Services: Priority Practices




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